This chapter explored the intended and real consequences of diversity. Studies on diversity and its consequences show that diversity on its own leads to complex outcomes, and the evidence on consequences of diversity is complicated by levels of analyses, types of diversity and environmental contingencies, such as preparedness of the cultural and national context (cf. Aycan et al., 2014). Workforce diversity in its unmanaged form may cause negative outcomes, such as miscommunication, disharmony, conflicts and disputes among groups, as much as it leads to the previously discussed positive outcomes. Thus, workforce diversity also has significant potential to foster innovation, creativity and high performance. Research shows that the negative consequences of diversity could be mitigated and positive consequences fostered if organisations manage diversity effectively and if there is a positive diversity climate. Yet our illustrative case in this chapter shows that our focus on workforce diversity could be expanded if we refocus our attention on the deteriorating relationship between human diversity, the natural environment and technology. In subsequent chapters, we will revisit the emergence of such a posthumanist new deal in workforce diversity.