Here, we examine the rise of the incel movement, its driving factors, and two high profile cases of incel violence. The incel movement originated in a place of hope and solace for people of all genders. However, it devolved into the movement we see today, with a focus on misogyny and hate. We define common incel terminology and theories and how they manifest in the community. We then explore the 2009 shooting at a fitness center in Pennsylvania. The attacker left a detailed blog giving insight into his thoughts and motives. These bring into focus his negative framing and irrational thinking. The second case we review is that of Elliot Rodger, who killed six in a rampage in 2014. Rodger also left writings that let us examine his philosophy and mindset. These cases lead to an exploration of the three central factors of the incel mentality: entitlement, misogyny, and jealousy.