It’s crunch time!

Often, the annotated bibliography is not the final assignment, but a step towards the final assignment. This chapter, by helping students and researchers use metacognitive and recursive writing processes, teaches them how to use their completed annotated bibliography to further advance the writing of their research papers. One section explains how to use the annotated bibliography to create a References/Works Cited/Bibliography. The next section discusses how to turn the annotated bibliography into a workspace by adding material (including quotations and citations), omitting material, taking reflective notes, making connections among sources, and adding quotations, and organizing the ideas from their sources. The chapter then shows students how to create outlines and rough drafts of their research papers by transforming their annotated bibliographies into these forms. The chapter includes three figures: a template for a simple outline with topics and source authors, a template for an elaborate outline with topic, authors, and annotations, and a template for a rough draft.