Based on the insights from cognitive psychology provided in Chapters 4 and 5, this chapter  (Chapter 6) seeks to help managers develop strategic leadership approaches to social media storm engagement. We update the Copenhagen Zoo company case and adapt our work published in the International Journal of Tourism Research to practitioners to help managers rethink social media storm as a new form of consumer-empowering leadership movement. The chapter is designed to develop reflective thinking based on cognitive development processes. A framework structures the methods and tools we present to develop resilient leadership and constructive strategies better suited for navigating social media storms.

After having read this chapter, you will:

Understand why managing emotions is central to a successful social media storm management;

Know how reflective thinking helps to avoid the pitfalls of resistant thinking;

Know how to build a resilient response strategy, rather than being anchored in fear of failure;

Know what it takes to design a resilient organization anchored in the shared values of the company and stakeholders.