Processed food has become a dirty word. It is tied to obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease—almost every major health issue plaguing wealthier countries. Poorer countries are coming under a double burden of malnutrition, with the lack of nutritious food and the abundance of junk food leading to stunted growth and obesity in the same populations. Regulatory agencies are woefully under resourced and cannot meaningfully constrain companies. So, it is understandable that many consumers, not to mention NGOs and governments, look on food brands with suspicion. All whole foods are not created equal. Animal-based foods may have good nutritional properties but they have a relatively high environmental burden. Common ingredients used in ultra-processed foods are indeed cause for serious concern. These foods often contain sugars, saturated fats and salts, all of which are associated with negative health impacts including obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.