Now that we are at the end, we can prescribe how to begin. Draw a ­circle exactly two feet in diameter on the corner of your therapy office’s ceiling. Paint the sea and land, and then glue, tape, or thumbtack a cutout pirate boat. Make sure it has a pirate flag with these initials on it: CTIP. Never tell anyone that this is your secret pirate name for “Creative Therapist in Practice.” When you need to see a flash of color or hear the wishes of the sea or the swishes of the sword, look in that direction and gently puff a bit of air. Wait for the creative wind to answer back and move you forward. It always does if you convince the other world that you are sincere and that you are ready to travel on the sea of change. One more thing, feel free to place a postcard or photograph of a New Orleans brass band in the other corner of your room, whether on the ceiling or the floor. Then you are all set to briefly turn your whole body in that direction and hear how the next note will make your performance more like jazz. We will be doing the same. Why sink when you can sing along to the tune of a bigger room?