About the year 1808, a man who had escaped from bondage in one of the southern States, was arrested in Philadelphia as a slave, and committed to prison. He had been in confinement but a very little while, when his master called at the prison with authority to convey him to the place whence he had escaped. When informed that his master had called for him, he appeared greatly distressed. He told the keeper that his master was very severe, and he knew that dreadful suffering awaited him, if he should be taken back to bondage. After some hesitation, he accompanied the keeper to the iron gate, through which he was to pass out of prison; he saw his brutal oppressor standing before it, ready to fetter and take him away. Here he halted, and pleaded, in the most earnest, but humble manner, that he would suffer him to procure a purchaser in Philadelphia, who would pay a reasonable price for him. His master was inexorable, and paid no attention to his pathetic appeals. In a stern tone, and with angry gestures, he ordered him to come out. The slave replied, “Master, I can’t go with you.” His tyrant exclaimed, “You shall! Come out, immediately!” The poor fellow advanced timidly towards the door, but in an instant stepped back, as though frightened. His agony was so great, that he appeared to have almost lost his reason. The master became irritated, and in an impatient, peremptory manner, again ordered his trembling victim to come forward, and called upon the keeper to bring him out. All this time, the keeper stood with his hand upon the key of the iron gate. At last, he unlocked and opened it, and reluctantly told the poor terrified creature that he must come out, and go with his owner. For a moment, the slave looked his master in the face–then, in a frenzied manner, he flew to the gate, and as suddenly flew back–seized a sharp knife, which he had 306concealed about his person, drew it with great force across his throat, and fell lifeless, within a yard or two of his master’s feet. The blood flowed freely, and all who witnessed the awful tragedy, concluded that the man must die. Dr. Church was then physician of the prison. Few surpassed him in benevolence, or professional skill. He happened to be at the prison at the time, and his attention was immediately called to this distressing case.