Human beings are hosts to many contradictions: beauty and ugliness, altruism and selfishness, play and rigor, pleasure and greatness, loneliness and companionship. Evaluating inner beauty requires a deeper analysis. It can take hours, days, weeks, or months. It will take into account the personal relationship, the transfer that occurs through interaction, friendship, and all other objective and subjective judgments that may arise with time. More specifically, inner beauty is linked to people who care about others; altruism, loyalty, honesty, trust, generosity, tolerance, and supportiveness are some of their traits. People have all kinds of desires to choose from, particularly between the amount of each of those desires. These desires are unlimited, so the Resourceful Evaluative Maximizer Model can never be satiated. They always want more, so that every individual represents a maximizer. People achieve their basic arete through wisdom, or intelligence applied to the creation of value through the management of virtues.