The sublime mobilizes, while beauty attracts and captivates. The sublime is dusk, darkness, eternity; beauty is joy and encouragement. In comparative terms, and considering the binary concepts, beauty lies in a smaller, diminished dimension, besides being marginal and less powerful. Beauty represents an idealized conceptualization. According to Edmund Burke, there are two separate human instincts: survival for the sublime and socialization for beauty. The beauty of satellite images, displayed in a variety of resolutions on the surface of the planet, allows users to see from small towns and buildings with perpendicular or oblique angle views to large metropolises, with a resolution of 15 m, and in some cases up to 15 cm. In the continuous search for innovation and beauty, Google has recently developed a new and surprising application. The sublime resides in the mountains and in the giant sequoias and oaks of the forest, while beauty is found in the flowers and in the meadows.