The Eastern question would have puzzled our fathers and grandfathers less if they had gone to Seraglio point, and surveyed Constantinople from beneath the column where the old Sultans so often sat. Behind you is the Golden Horn, in front are the sparkling waters which divide Europe from Asia. To the left the light throws up the bright palace of Dolma Bagtche, strikes on the white cupola of a mosque beyond and makes it gleam like a pearl. Above are hills and stately woods which seem to link Europe to Asia. There is just a hint of a gap in the hills where the Bosphorus severs one shore from the other. Its line is curved and shaped like a scimitar of blue steel. To the right, that is to the south, lies the Sea of Marmara, a round shield of blue enamel, with islands showing like dark bosses on its surface. Farther south again, but invisible to the eye, stretch the Dardanelles.