Mehemet Ali bowed before the Four Powers, France joined them in an international treaty, thus re-entering the concert of Europe the Eastern question was settled. Europe had become a necessity; she had reconciled the Powers, and was the pledge of their harmony in the future. The negotiations, whereby the Four Powers reconciled Mehemet Ali with the Sultan, differed from those which brought back France into the European sheepfold. Fanshawe arrived at Constantinople on December 18 with Mehemet Ali’s letter to the Grand Vizier. On the 20th Reschid summoned the representatives of the Four Powers to consider whether Mehemet Ali’s submission could be accepted? The changes were all in favour of stupidity and reaction and made the Sultan less likely to pardon Mehemet Ali. M. Guizot commended Bourqueney, and Esterhazy vainly tried to turn him from his purpose. At last Guizot surrendered on hearing the news of Mehemet Ali’s final submission.