The Pagan kingdom was breaking up, and Wareru made common cause with Tarabya, the revolting governor of Pegu, each marrying the other’s daughter. Wareru became sole prince of the Lower Burma state which lasted till 1539. In 1298 it received recognition from China which henceforth chose to regard its rulers as governors appointed by herself. Its capital was Martaban till 1363 and Donwun till 1369 when the palace was moved to Pegu. Shinsawbu had extended the Shwedagon glebe lands as far as Danok, and finding the excessive Dammazedi reduced them; in compensation he measured his weight and the weight of his queen in gold four times and dedicated that amount to overlaying the pagoda with scroll work and tracery. He exchanged envoys with Yunnan. In 1472 he sent a mission to Buddhagaya in Bengal to take plans of the Holy Tree and of the temple as a model for buildings at Pegu.