The Kingdom of Siberia is that Part of the terraqueous Globe, that lies North and North Eaft between the fifty feventh Degree of Latitude and the Northern frigid Zone, which has hitherto fet Bounds to all further Difcoveries. Siberia, generally fpeaking, abounds in Minerals and air, especially of Copper and Iron. In many Places Stones are found on the Surface of the Ground, rich in Copper Oar; but there being as yet no Regulation for working the Mines, the Inhabitants are not much the better for it. The Oby is one of the greatest Rivers of Europe, which the Geographers commonly affine for the Boundary of that Part of the World towards the North. It furnishes not only the Flacks abundantly with what they want for Subsistence, but even supplies the greater Part of Siberia with abundance of Fifth of different Sorts.