As European Renaissance urban culture and castle culture have been a calling card for Europe-bound tourism, it dawns on emerging economies such as the “BRIC” countries that marketing the time-honored traditional culture of nations all over the world through urban content is an infant industry. Substance marketing occurs in the “flesh” of articles. There are three dimensions to content value: three-value index, cross-medium index, and compatibility index. The broader and deeper the dimension, the higher the value of IP. The business logic of IP marketing can be condensed into one sentence: brands continue to produce high-quality content using the character of spokespersons to output values so as to gather fans. In the dark Middle Ages, a galaxy of artists of the early Renaissance were given shelter by Cosimo, including as Fra Angelico, Fra Filippo Lippi, sculptor Donatello and modern guru of western architecture Filippo Brunelleschi.