LifeRAFT is a helping skills training model for use with nonprofessional counselors. LifeRAFT stands for Life Relief through Actions, Feelings, and Thoughts and utilizes a nautical theme to train readers in the helping process. Nonprofessional counselors are taught to help by guiding their helpee through SWIM stages, then choosing a RAFT helping strategy, and finally SAIL steps toward resolution. Microskills are integrated throughout the model in a stepwise fashion called the “Microskills Ramp-Up.” Chapter 10 trains nonprofessional counselors in modifying through thoughts. Thought is the third of three RAFT strategies in the LifeRAFT model and is based on the principles of cognitive therapy. Readers learn the thought SWIM steps and develop methods to modify thoughts through the microskills ramp-up. Expected results of modifying thoughts are discussed, followed by a transcript example of modifying thoughts between a helper and a helpee.