LifeRAFT is a helping skills training model for use with nonprofessional counselors. LifeRAFT stands for Life Relief through Actions, Feelings, and Thoughts and utilizes a nautical theme to train readers in the helping process. Nonprofessional counselors are taught to help by guiding their helpee through SWIM stages. Chapter 4 trains nonprofessional counselors in supporting, the first stage of the SWIM stages in the LifeRAFT model. Helpers offer support by providing a foundation of empathic and nonjudgmental support, encouraging the helpee to help themselves, and earning the right to influence them. Readers learn about the support stage and why all helping begins with supporting. They become aware of when to use supporting and how to choose whether or not to initiate a helping situation. They develop methods to provide help by engaging in the support stage and using listening skills of attending, paraphrasing, and reflecting feelings. Expected results of the support stage are discussed, followed by a transcript example of the support stage between a helper and a helpee.