You cannot rest on your laurels or take sexuality for granted. You have confronted low sexual desire and created a new couple sexual style which focuses on desire/pleasure/eroticism/satisfaction. You owe it to yourself, your partner, and your bond to maintain gains and not allow a relapse.

Establishing positive, realistic (non-perfectionistic) expectations is crucial for relapse prevention. Whether the sexual experience is joyful, satisfying, okay, mediocre, or dysfunctional, it is crucial that you remain an intimate sexual team.

By its nature, couple sexuality is variable and flexible with a range of roles, meanings, and outcomes. Confronting the low desire or desire discrepancy problem was a team effort. Maintaining and reinforcing intimacy, pleasuring, and eroticism is likewise a team process. Continue to be intimate and erotic friends. Value GES and your couple sexual style. When there is a dissatisfying or dysfunctional sexual experience, turn toward your partner. Remember, avoidance is a poison. Do not allow a lapse to become a relapse.