The essence of a healthy relationship is a respectful, trusting commitment that promotes satisfaction and security. Healthy sexuality contributes 15–20% to relational vitality and satisfaction. It is crucial to maintain motivation so that the low desire and desire discrepancy problems are resolved in order for intimacy, pleasuring, and eroticism to have a positive role in your life and relationship. A desirous, pleasurable, erotic, and satisfying sexuality energizes your bond and keeps your relationship special.

Take pride in overcoming low desire and a no sex relationship. You deserve credit for facing this secret, stigmatized problem. Enjoy pleasure-oriented sexuality that has a range of roles, meanings, and outcomes. Devote thought, time, and energy to sexuality so that it continues to have a 15–20% role in your life and relationship. You can enjoy sexuality in your 60s, 70s, and 80s.