Emotionally, a core function of couple sexuality is to reinforce genuine attachment with your partner. Traditionally, intimacy has been strongly valued by women and undervalued by men. In reality, intimacy is of as much value for men as women.

The essence of intimacy is feeling open, securely attached, and personally valued. No sex and low sex marriages have a powerful negative impact on intimacy. Rebuilding emotional and sexual intimacy has an integral role in rekindling desire. Reestablishing intimacy puts you in a better position to challenge sexual desire problems. Intimacy has the function of enhancing your bond and building feelings of caring and closeness. Emotional and sexual intimacy are different but complementary. Intimacy is much more than “good feelings”. Intimacy facilitates genuine attachment; you accept your partner with personal strengths and vulnerabilities. Intimacy provides a crucial relationship resource in confronting and changing low desire and desire discrepancies.