Badarayana is the author of the Vedanta Sutras in which the systematizing attempt is made. The Vedanta Sutras are also known as Brahma Sutras because they expound the philosophy of Brahman, and as Sariraka Sutras because they deal with the nature of the unconditioned Self embodied in human form. Brahman is regarded by Badarayana as the material as well as the efficient cause of the universe, its origin and support, himself uncreated and eternal. The commentaries are so diverse and often so conflicting that it is well-nigh impossible to arrive at the precise views held by Badarayana. The Vedanta Sutras are unquestionably of great authority, however, for every important philosopher has written commentaries upon them. They are indeed one of the three great works upon which all the theologies of India rest. A brief summary of the Vedanta Sutras and of the points of agreement regarding them may help to clarify what really is a most obscure and complex problem.