The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol thereto entered into force on 23 March 1976 in accordance with the provisions of articles 49 of the Covenant and 9 of the Optional Protocol respectively. At its very first session, held between January and February 1947 the Commission on Human Rights stated that it 'was not in a position to formulate precisely its views concerning the means of ensuring the observance of the rights to be included in the International Bill of Rights'. At its second session in December 1947 the Commission on Human Rights established a six-member Working Group on Implementation In March 1947 E.C.O.S.O.C. appointed an eight-member Drafting Committee of the Commission on Human Rights. The Drafting Committee met for its first session between 9-15 June 1947 and had before it as a basis for discussion a Secretariat Outline prepared by the UN Division of Human Rights and a UK draft Convention.