At Triengen, near Lucerne, a group of young women present an occupying sharpshooters' company with a flag made of green silk, embroidered with the Swiss cross and the inscription, "Dedicated to the noble fighters for freedom and country, for their bravery and loyalty." And as far as total casualties were concerned, America's civil war, fought less than twenty years after the Swiss conflict, cost more than 600,000 lives. A difference between the Swiss conflict and other conflicts was that once the fighting was over, so was the war. The "pillaging instinct of the Swiss" might be a myth, but money was serious business. Guillaume Henri Dufour in his role as "Conciliator of the Swiss" and as rallying point in any future crisis. Karl Baedeker no longer had need to warn its readers of the vagaries of the Swiss monetary system or to be on the lookout for what a pound might mean in Glarus as opposed to St. Moritz.