Emerging from the colonial situation, the independent State must restore to the Africans their dignity by allowing them to take on their responsibilities as integral citizens, in the initial, interim and transitional phases. The State must abolish all forms of political arbitrariness and administrative violence in order to wipe out the colonial power, even from memory. The institutionalization of power is the ambition of any national liberation movement, signifying recognition of 'its' state at the international level. But institutionalization is in fact sustained only on a juridical basis. The laws put to that use were those left by colonialism. The structural imbalances associated with the lack of co-ordination between various sectors of the economy and the unevenness of social production are serious brakes on development of the productive forces. As a consequence one often witnesses the implantation of archaic institutions, with perhaps profound motivations, that apparently defend authenticity', 'négritude'.