The income redistribution proposed is compatible with the economic recovery with external payments, capital formation and the anti-inflationary measures proposed in the economic programme. The share of the economically active population with respect to the total will grow from 39 per cent in 1983 to 40.4 for the three years 1984-1986. The percentage of wage-earners in the total economically active population will increase from 73 per cent to 75 per cent in the same years. These developments are consistent with the changes that can be expected from the country's economic recovery and will correct the distortions that grew up in the years 1976–1983 because of economic stagnation, the crisis in manufacturing industry, the boom in self-employment and the disproportionate growth in the non-active population. The increase in liquidity, including the 3 per cent monthly inflation rate, is considerable, and would imply a proportionate increase in the general demand for financial assets.