The primarily Muslim Bosnian government set the figure at fifty thousand for the early phase of the war in Bosnia. The bombing of the World Trade Center by Muslim extremists and the barely averted attack on other New York City targets show the impunity with which hate-driven terrorists can penetrate the defenses of the United States. The Muslim extremists' plan to blow up the United Nations possibly would have killed dozens of delegates, and even dealt a major setback to the international organization. The goal is to crawl into the minds of the haters, however despicable, and to share their world, at least momentarily, to learn why they are so willing to act as they do and under what circumstances they might be less likely to take part in violence. Clement Rodney Hampton-El, a Black Muslim whose father was also a Black Muslim, had fought for Islamic fundamentalists in the Afghanistan war. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.