The quest for the human freedoms is being pursued on a global scale. Amartya Sen's analysis identifies five distinct types of freedom: political freedoms, economic facilities, social opportunities, transparency guarantees and protective security. Global civilization has no single center, no Roman capital or Forbidden City dominating all other centers. Organisms, organizations, and societies live by maintaining some boundaries and by permitting a certain amount of exchange with the outside world to pass through those boundaries. One reason for our failure to form a publicly shared concept of global civilization is that we have moved into a post-Westphalian world without discarding the Westphalian mindset. Global civilization invites people to become more fully human yet by taking up residence in that wider space, becoming members of that larger community, participating fully in its dangers and miseries as well as its vast varieties and liberties. The most troublesome reservations concerning free movement across boundaries have to do with migrants in search of employment.