Germany's dramatic political and social situation after the war explained the doctrinal uncertainties—it had emerged from the conflict defeated, crushed by a grave economic crisis, shaken by strikes, agitation, and revolts, and lacking any clear political direction. The new constitution was greatly influenced by US president Woodrow Wilson's demands and was not rooted in German tradition. The Fuhrer proclaimed his Germany the Third Reich, after the Holy Roman Empire and the German Empire created by Bismarck. The Nazis exploited the principles in order to focus the political action of people who believed in the values of German "civilization." Johann Gottlieb Fichte statements were exploited by the Nazis to formulate the idea of a Germanic Aryan race that had the duty to liberate itself from non-Aryan influences. In German Nazism, political ideology, consistently applied, ended by justifying all decisions taken by the head of government—no matter how dictatorial and despotic.