Syndicated Crime refers to the provision of illegal goods and services in a society that displays a continued and considerable demand for such goods and services. There are a variety of syndicate forms that engage in gambling, drug distribution, loan sharking, and other illegal activity. Modern syndicates must be seen within the context of continuing demand for illegal goods and services within the general public, thus creating perfect conditions for continuing crime syndicates. Relationships between those engaged in trade of illegal goods and services are often strained and dependent on the use or threat of force for completing the transactions. Chambliss documents that businesspeople, politicians and workers in the criminal justice system are all involved in "the subterranean, often invisible," industry built upon illegal markets. Direct investment is one form of syndicated crime that occurs under the auspices of legitimate businesses. Criminal syndicates are involved with the state by providing political favors for the state and colluding with state officials.