The goals and objectives of the organizations range from a narrow focus on agricultural research to broad political and economic harmony. The program of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee includes activities in the field of development and trade promotion. The Comite permanent Inter-etats de Lutte contre la Secheresse dans le Sahel formation is part of a long, historical tradition in the direction of the unification of the African territories economically, culturally, and politically. The Economic Community of West Africa planned to formulate joint development projects within the region, to set up regional research programs in solar energy and cereals, and to implement projects in the areas of meat production, agriculture, fishing, trade, and water resources. The Sahel economic performance is well United Nations' Development Decade targets. Gains could be maximizes with a minimum of sacrifice: the donors could pursue geopolitical, economic, and humanitarian goals; the Sahelians could realize rural development without the costs.