The selection of the Rural Development Ministers on the Council has implications for Comite permanent Inter-etats de Lutte contre la Secheresse dans le Sahel (CILSS) operations. The Council's other tasks include: reporting on the annual activities conducted by CILSS, establishing the program required to realize project implementation, assessing the progress made in executing the projects and programs selected for development, reviewing the budget status and the audit report, and approving the budget for the coming year. The Executive Secretary has a staff of technical advisors and experts to help execute the policy decisions of the Council of Ministers. The Board of Administration, responsible for the smooth running of the Agrhymet Program, meets once a year. The structure of an organization may enhance or militate against its functions. The powers invests in the Executive Secretariat vary according to organization. The role plays by the donors mitigates against some of the limitations caused by organizational structure.