The role of Botswana in the Frontline States does reflect the dependence of the economy on foreign capital and the lack of relative state autonomy from the dominant class. The leaders clearly shared the Frontline States' goal of helping to liberate Zimbabwe so its own economy could eventually have greater independence from South Africa. The Botswanan government was quite constrained in any overt support for the armed struggle. Tanzanian state managers have their fortunes tied to the state, not to one segment of production within the economy. The government provided basic camps for Zimbabwean refugees which were supported materially and politically by international relief organisations. Even for the humanitarian role, however, Botswana was bombed and had its own citizens killed by Rhodesians who would enter Botswanan territory in hot pursuit of 'guerrillas'. An independent Zimbabwe, especially with regional economic co-ordination, could loosen the grip of South Africa.