The Westerbouwing was a popular restaurant which gave its name to a 90-foot-high bluff overlooking the Rhine near Heveadorp village. The German attacks on the eastern side of the perimeter were equally as fierce as at the Westerbouwing but were all beaten off. They made no headway at all in the lower Oosterbeek area, where the infantry and artillery of Thompson Force drove off one German attack but then had to endure some fierce shelling. The Germans renewed their attack and brought up another self-propelled gun with a more forceful crew and commenced to demolish the houses occupied by the 10th Battalion men, who suffered serious casualties and could do little to prevent the punishment. The Germans had been mounting steady pressure on the position and casualties had been mounting. The Germans would gain a few yards and the odd house and during the ensuing days, but that basic line would be held to the end.