The company had three areas to mark: two glider landing zones, LZ-S and LZ-Z, north and south of the railway line, and one parachute-dropping zone, DZ-X to the west of and alongside of LZ-Z. Leaving only small parties guarding the 'Eureka' beacons, the troops withdrew to the edges of the open ground from where they were able to watch the fascinating sight of a mass glider landing. The gliders carrying the Airlanding Brigade were due first, all using the northerly of the two landing zones. Many men who had already landed speak of the danger of heavy kitbags hurtling down after coming adrift. The glider pilots released their gliders from the tow rope approximately two and a half miles from their intended landing zone. One Stirling of 620 Squadron force-landed in England but so close to its airfield at Fair ford that the crew were able to walk the remaining distance.