McCarthy's iconic standing, moreover, at once obviates and throws into sharp relief the contributions of other coloured players to the success of the national football team. McCarthy, is different from Williams riot only through his ability to cement his place in the team for the foreseeable future or from Fortune simply by his position on the football field: Unlike Mark Williams, a symbol of the difficult cultural interregnum, Benni McCarthy is "fully" representative of the new South Africa. McCarthy's proclamation was a telling moment, a newly created bond that transcended generations, race, and, history. In the entanglements of McCarthy's euphoria it is difficult to decide which accomplishment takes primacy. McCarthy's achievements signal the triumph of "black" South Africa the deprivations of apartheid and the imagining of his Namibian performance as normative within the coming postapartheid epoch. McCarthy's fame was inconceivable without Sono's vision, the coach's preparedness to dismantle the old guard and install the youth brigade.