Each nation's international behavior has been influenced by its national maturity and the length of tenure of its executive. This chapter discusses regional geopolitical realities and considerations have transcended individual leaders and nations. The annexation contributed indirectly to the civil war in Chad because it created a major rift between Hissein Habre and Gukuni. Gukuni and Habre, leaders of the Second, or the Northern, Army of Front de Liberation Nationale, wrestled with the issue. Hostilities between Chad and Libya resumed, of course, after Habre evicted Gukuni from N'Djamena on June 7, 1982. Nimeiry's overthrow in April 1985 resulted in a new military regime that reversed Sudan's policies and brought Libya and Sudan closer. The permanent presence of French troops in Bangui, however, makes it unlikely that the Central African Republic regime could seriously follow an anti-Chad policy in favor of Libya. Togo essentially followed the position of most francophone African states toward the Chado-Libyan relations.