The only optimistic scenario in William Epstein mind was one where "the Western nations would continue their previous reliance on 'damage limitation' strategy wherein they would try to prevent defections from the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Recalling the failure of the 1980 review conference to arrive at a final declaration, coupled with the continuing inability of the superpowers to live up to their NPT Article VI obligations to pursue nuclear arms control in good faith, Epstein forecast, "The outlook for this year's conference is bleak or bleaker. Both Epstein and Paul Leventhal foresaw walkouts from the conference and possible withdrawals from the NPT itself. Indeed, at the annual international Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meeting some nations expressed their disgruntlement with the superpowers' manipulation of the NPT review conference. In the realm of safety, the IAEA was asked to provide greater assistance to developing nations in siting, constructing, and operating nuclear plants.