The Yemenites of Kiryat Eliahu are a very self-aware people. They have a powerful sense of who they are and where they have come from. They are proud of their history and culture and have a feeling of being special, even different, and for the most part they evaluate their ethnic group positively, though not without some criticisms and reservations. For no other Israeli Jewish group does there exist anything like the developed, detailed, and positive image which has grown up about the Yemenites. Many of the terms stress niceness, cheerfulness, diligence, enjoyment of life, and the willingness or ability to endure hardships and poverty without complaint. Some Yemenites even consider their people’s gentle behavior and uncomplaining attitudes as a handicap. Because they are pleasant and uncomplaining they can be ignored and exploited, according to this perspective. Despite the closeness of the Yemenite community, it is not characterized by strong leadership or organization.