The nuclear posture of counterforce includes forces which can preemptively destroy opposing nuclear forces as well as any retaliating warheads flying towards the attacker’s cities. Three factors explain the development of the nuclear doctrine of counterforce: the notion of strategic vulnerability, the quest for a ‘Star Wars’ type of defense, and the build up of momentum in the procurement of counterforce weapons as well as the influence of organizational interests. By suggesting the need for action to do something about the US nuclear inferiority, the Administration responded to the culturally rooted American compulsions toward activism and toward believing that all problems have solutions. A space-based defense in the nuclear age may generate an illusory conviction that nuclear protection is feasible. The well-intentioned Strategic Defense Initiative as proposed by President Reagan is probably a diversion from the reality that there is no scientific or military defense against nuclear weapons, despite America’s nuclear strategic predilection for technological solutions.