The problem of assessing differentials of income and wealth hinges upon the definition of 'narrow' and 'wide' differentials. Income distribution in Hungary is reckoned to be narrow, within a range of one to ten. In Pecsely, income over and what is strictly required for subsistence is directed towards obtaining adequate housing, cars and durable goods which conform to the present ideal of a modern life-style. In Pecsely, the highest wages are those of the collective's management: about eight to ten thousand forints in 1983, compared with three to four thousand forints monthly wage of ordinary workers. The problems of housing, particularly for young people but there has been an enormous improvement in the housing stock of the village; of the total 192 dwellings, 72 are either newly built or have been thoroughly renovated. The level of prosperity enjoyed by the villagers in Pecsely, in particular in relation to the acquisition of durables, cars and modern housing, requires considerable outlays.