The forty-seven vary in both their perceptions of and pleasure in their political roles. For example, Lewis, who loves politics and engages in it aggressively, says:

I enjoy the role of district leader. I enjoy the contact with people 1 represent in my district to the people I contact at upper levels of government. I enjoy gadflying. I will make trouble just to start people thinking.

On the other hand, Duke, who is usually outspoken and at ease with people, is not so comfortable in the role:

After my primary [for the leadership in his election district] several people thought that “county committeeman” was a much higher office. I got pats on the back and congratulations and wishes for good luck—“It’s wonderful that somebody from our village is going to be on the county committee!” I was too embarrassed to correct them. I felt terrible just walking away without telling them I’m just Mr. Shit from Cornell Street who does nothing but call them on election day.