The spectrum of state involvement runs from the creation of whole agencies and plans to promote and assist aquaculture, to a lack of recognition that aquaculture is practiced within that state’s boundaries. Aquaculture in New York is predominantly a freshwater industry. Aside from Long Island, the state has very little coastline, and roughly three-quarters of the aquaculture firms in that state are growing fresh water species. New York State appropriated $1 million dollars in 1985 for various aquaculture efforts including demonstration projects, and the Urban Development Corporation of New York City had given another $250,000 towards demonstration projects as well. The Florida plan first inventoried the available natural resources and the aquaculture species under cultivation and then addressed regulatory issues, land-use planning, economics, marketing questions, and the transfer of technology. Aquaculture first came to California in the mid-1800s, with the culture of trout inland and oyster cultivation in San Francisco Bay.