Unlike drained fields, the planting surfaces of raised fields have been substantially raised by continued deposition of spoil from the adjacent ditches. Andean raised fields were forgotten until rediscovered in the twentieth century by Max Uhle, Clifford T. Smith, William M. Denevan, Robert Eidt, and Sylvia Broadbent. Raised fields have been found northeast of Chillogallo, in the grassy plain south of Quito. Abundant burials are evidence of a dense population and cultural remains indicate an affinity with more northerly cultures such as Cayambe, also known to be associated with raised fields. Raised fields are found in the San Pablo flats to the southeast of Otavalo. The San Pablo flats, according to one of the landowners, became latifundia property during the colonial period. A description of the technology, based on an interview with the late Robert Eidt, therefore may be of value to indicate raised-field possibilities in Ecuador.