Given their desire to move the bill quickly, the PER group decided to draft suggested positions in State, and then to circulate them directly to other affected agencies for comment, if necessary then meeting to reconcile differences. Participants were Ginny Schlundt and Mann of Foreign Affairs, Feinstein and Myers of Post Office and Civil Service, Bill Mohrman and Paul Smith, both of the House Legislative Counsel's office, together with representatives from State. The Foreign Affairs Committee moved expeditiously. Dante B. Fascell and Pat Schroeder introduced a substitute bill, H.R. 6790, which incorporated those changes agreed to at the subcommittee level as well as those made subsequently in the technical drafting sessions, Foreign Affairs held its markup. There were only limited changes from the version of the bill reported by Foreign Affairs, and the majority of these were technical improvements worked out in the interim by the staffs of the two committees and their State Department counterparts.