This chapter examines the attempts by the General Assembly to establish the administering authority in Namibia and its eventual recourse to the Security Council to fulfil its own mandate which turned Namibia into a "unique United Nations responsibility." In 1968 South Africa showed its contempt for UN authority by enacting legislation to draw white Namibia closer to South Africa and to accelerate the implementation of its policy of apartheid or so-called "separate development" in the territory. The resolution was clearly short of African demands, since they had earlier asked the council to declare South Africa's continued presence in Namibia an act of aggression. The Soviet Union, despite its rhetoric, had steadfastly resisted any suggestion that the United Nations itself undertake the task of "liberating Namibia." In addition, a new, more ominous element was introduced in South Africa's policy in Namibia: public flogging of political opponents by the so-called authorities in the homelands.