Manetho says the Twenty-fifth Dynasty comprised three Ethiopian kings—Sabacon, who took Bochchoris captive and burned him alive, Sebichos his son, and Tarcus. In Manetho, Taharqa appears as the last king of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty. Tanutamun, it is related, experienced a dream of two serpents, and this was interpreted to him as meaning: “Thine is the Southland, take for thyself also the Northland.” Sais, center of this dynasty as also previously of the Twenty-fourth Dynasty, was an ancient city and is mentioned already in the Book of the Dead in connection with Neith, who is called “the lady of Sais.” Mendes, center of the Twenty-ninth Dynasty, was the Egyptian Djedi, the city of the sacred Djed pillar of Osiris, the home of the Mendesian goat according to Manetho, and the residence city of Lower Egyptian Nome XVI. The Thirty-first Dynasty recorded in Africanus and Eusebius is therefore a later addition to Manetho.