China's first recognition of Western superiority in the fields of naval engineering and armament came as a result of the success of British arms between 1839 and 1842. The formal biographies and official papers of Lin Tse-hsu give a clear picture of an unusually energetic and resourceful public servant; they give slight indication of the pioneer of Westernization which he appears to have been. Lin Tse-hsu was a native of Fukien province on the eastern seaboard north of Canton. Commissioner Lin Tse-hsu came to Canton in 1839 determined to put an end to the opium evil and prosecuted his campaign with vigor and considerable ability. The Imperial Rescript ordered Chin Ying-lin's memorial sent to Canton for consideration and study, authorizing the officials to buy up supplies of strong wood for shipbuilding, to hasten the work, and send up to the throne copies of all charts and designs.