The soils of Bangladesh have been classified in two different ways. The earlier method was by origin of deposition or parent material, whereas the method had relied mainly on profile development. The earlier method provided a broad basis for initial work on agricultural improvement. The pleistocene terraces have soils of the Latosol group: mainly clayey, reddish to yellowish in colour, with numerous ferruginous concretions. Soil pH varies from 6 to 6.5. These soils are generally deficient in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and lime. From 1961 to 1970 a number of reconnaisance soil surveys were carried out by the Directorate of Soil Survey with the help of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. These soil surveys covered about two thirds of the country. Acid Basin Clays are grey to dark grey heavy clays, which are strongly to extremely acid. The topsoil is grey to dark grey, often strongly stained red or brown along root channels and cracks.