Frigg is essentially a French enterprise, with only a minority of Norwegian interest in the Norwegian sector. After Frigg was declared commercially exploitable in 1972, Norsk Hydro exercised its option to increase its share, and Statoil obtained a 5-percent interest. Under the agreement with the Frigg licensees, the government has until the end of 1978 to make a decision. Since the British depend on Frigg gas to meet their needs as production from the southern gas fields diminishes, they decided to offer a higher price than they advanced for the Ekofisk gas. The Norwegian-British agreement, however, only provided the umbrella under which the companies were to work and left many technical questions unanswered. While the negotiations were going on, the operators were proceeding with their work. The various obstacles were overcome, however, the first gas flowed to Scotland in September 1977, and King Olav of Norway formally opened the field in May 1978.