Originally, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Medical Research and Training (JHCMRT) in Calcutta, like the others, was known as the International Centers for Medical Research and Training, but since this was likely to be confused with the Indian Council for Medical Research, the "I" was replaced by "JH" within a few months. The JHCMRT Cholera Research Program and the Pakistan-Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Cholera Research Laboratory differed in several respects. In November 1962, the PSCRL in Dacca was ready with its newly completed cholera ward to tackle the cholera problem in earnest, quite independent, American group had come onto the scene in Calcutta, not more than 125 miles to the southwest, but separated from Dacca by the tension then existing between India and Pakistan. This was the JHCMRT or, rather, the cholera research program element of it, consisting initially of Charles C. J. Carpenter and R. Bradley Sack.