In the 1970s the branch basis of all links of the economy was strengthened, including the planning of capital investment. Ministries strive to carry out their investment programs primarily in large and medium-size cities, reconstructing and expanding enterprises located there. The hypertrophy of branch planning and management of the economy has especially negative consequences for the industrial development of Siberia. Industrial development in Siberia has been restrained primarily by insufficient investment in manufacturing industry. The acceleration of economic, development of the eastern regions was one of the main strategic tasks of economic policy of the USSR from beginning of its existence. The share of the Eastern part of the country in the spatial allocation of capital investment grew during the entire post-war period through the beginning of the 1970s. In 1975-1980 the Siberian fuel industry not only provided the entire increase in production but compensated for a decline in production in several oil and coal producing regions of the country.